Project Overview

To execute a TEDx event at Virginia Tech in Cassell Coliseum, to showcase the Innovations in Engineering, Arts, and Humanities from the university.   This event would be a formal gala for 320(Approximate) audience members, and include a full 3-course meal 

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The inspiration for this design is to create a unified visual atmosphere through the cohesive blend of the signature TEDx aesthetic and the Iconic locations of Virginia Tech.  


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The main stage is designated for the larger keynote addresses.   On stage there are 6 red towers to reflect the iconic War Memorial Chapel (Photo 2.1-2.2) on the Virginia Tech campus.   Center stage should have a circular red carpet keeping it line with TED TALK aesthetic.   The rest of the deck is to be gloss black.    Upstage there is a large LED video screen that will be used by the presenters.

The Thrust stage is designated for shorter presentations as well as a location for the moderator of the event to speak from.   The Trust is curved out of the stage right side of the main stage and has a circular platform at the end with stairs that surround the circumference of the deck.    This stage is to also have a red carpet similar to that of the main stage.